EYA Baseball FAQs

When is registration?

Registration for spring is January 1st through February 28th. (Late registration through March 31st.

Registration for fall is July 1st through July 31st. (Late registrtaion through August 15)

What levels of play are offered?

T-Ball- 5-6 year old (6U) 1st week of May till Mid June League is PYL 4/30 age cutoff. 6-8 games depending on number of teams entered. 7 or 8 players per roster. No evaluations. 

 Grasshopper/Minors - 7-8 year old (8U) PYL 4/30 age cutoff date. Mid April start and ends 1st week of June. 12 games and no tournament. There is a player pitch division and a coach pitch division. Will have evaluations.

Biddy- 9-10 year old (10U) Parkland Youth League National (recreational) 12 games plus tournament. April 19th through mid June season 4/30 age cut off date. Will have evaluations.

Biddy- 9-10 year old (10U) Parkland Youth League American (competitive) 12 games plus tournament. April 19th through mid June season. 4/30 age cut off date. Will have evaluations.

Biddy- 9-10 year old (10U) Lehigh Valley Little Baseball League (highly competitive). 4/30 age cutoff date. Mid April start and ends June 30th 15-20 game season. Mostly week night games. Will have evaluations. LVLBL registration fee will be an additional $75.00.

Midget 11-12 year old (12U) Parkland Youth League National (recreational) 12 games plus tournament. April 19th through mid June season. 4/30 age cut off date. Will have evaluations. 

Midget 11-12 year old (12U) Parkland Youth League American (competitive) 12 games plus tournament. April 19th through mid June season. 4/30 age cut off date. Will have evaluations.

Midget 11-12 year old (12U) Lehigh Valley Little Baseball League (highly competitive). 4/30 age cutoff date. Mid April start and ends June 30th 15-20 game season. Mostly week night games. Will have evaluations. LVLBL registration fee will be an additional $25.00.

Knee-Hi 13,14,15 year old (15U) Parkland Youth League National (recreational) 12 games plus tournament. April 19th through mid June season. 4/30 age cut off date. Will have evaluations. 80ft base drops and 54ft pitching distance.

Knee-Hi 13,14,15 year old (15U) Parkland Youth League American (competitive) 12 games plus tournament. April 19th through mid June season. 4/30 age cut off date. Will have evaluations. 90ft base drops and 60' 6" pitching distance. 

Knee-Hi 13-15 year old (15U) Lehigh Valley Little Baseball League (highly competitive). 4/30 age cut off date. 15-20 game season. Mostly weeknights. Will have evaluations. 80ft base drops and 54ft pitching distance. LVLBL fee will be an additional $25.00. 

 Junior Connie Mack 13-14 year old (14U) Lehigh Valley Connie Mack League (highly competitive) 4/30 age cut off date. 18-25 game schedule. Season starts 3rd week of May and ends 3rd week of July.

Senior Connie Mack 13,14,15,16 year old (16U) Lehigh Valley Connie Mack League (highly competitive. 4/30 age cut off date. 18-25 game schedule. Season starts 3rd week of May and ends 3rd week of July.

Majors 16,17,18 year old (18U) Parkland Youth League National (recreational). 12 game schedule plus tournament. April 19th through mid June 6/30 age cut off date.

PA Senior Legion 15,16,17,18 year old (18U) PA American Legion Baseball (highly competitive) 18 game schedule plus playoffs. Season starts after the High School season ends usually around the end of May and runs through Mid to late July depending how far a team advances in the playoffs. 

What does the schedule look like?

The season will begin with practices in late March/early April depending upon weather and field conditions. Game schedules depend upon age level (see above for specific dates). Practices vary depending on the coach's availability and field availabiltiy, but typically occur twice during the week and once over the weekend. Game schedules vary also and can be played both on weeknights and weekends. 

What equipment is needed?

The EYA supplies each player with a Jersey, Pant, Belt, Hat and Socks. There are team bats, helmets, and catchers gear available for players to share. 

You will need to supply Glove and Cleats. (Although recommended, cleats are not a requirement for T-Ball)

Additional suggested equipment: Sunglasses, Batting Helmet with face mask, Catchers Gear (if this is a position that your child wants to play).

How do I contact the EYA Baseball Commissioner?

You can send an e-mail baseball@eyasports.org.