EYA fundraisers

why fundraise?

The EYA understands the some families feel that fundraisers are burdensome and would rather simply pay an additional cost than have to put in extra work to fundraise. The reason we hold fundraisers is becuase not all families are in a position where paying an additional cost is alway feasible. Fundraising allows families to help spread the cost of playing sports onto family, friends, and members of the community. It also allows the possibility of raising more the just the bare minimum funds necessary for the current season which allows us to buy extra and better quality equipment and help reduce future registration costs.

Since not all families are the same and some would rather not fundraise, we offer a "buyout option" for all fundraisers. This option is priced to encourage all families to participate in our fundraisers. We offer incentives to sell more than the minimum and if everyone were to actively participate we would be able to bring in a lot more money than just charging all of our families a higher registration fee. We feel this is the best option for all families of every situation without "price gouging" parents and creating high registration costs. 

The EYA is happy to answer any questions or discuss any concerns or issues. The best way to do this would be attending one of our monthly board meetings. You can also email us at officers@eyasports.org.

current fundraisers


Below is a picture of a sample calendar to show how this fundraiser works.

Each player will be provided with 5 Lottery Ticket Calendars when they recieve their uniforms (date TBD). 

The calendar will follow the PA State lottery daily evening drawing during the month of June 2025 with cash prizes for multiple winners each night totaling over $3000.00. 

Each ticket will be sold for $5.00. More tickets can be sold and the top seller for each program (1 baseball player and 1 softball player) will win a $100.00 visa gift card. 

All ticket stubs and money must be turned in by May 30th, 2025.