The Emmaus Youth Association is a non-profit organization that is 100% volunteer run. We are always looking for people that would like to help our community by contributing their time and skills to the organization. There are always coaching opportunities available. In addition to volunteer coaches, below is a list of current available positions and a brief description of each. If you are interested in any volunteer positions, please email
We are looking for 2 people to fill these roles. These positions would help our treasurer categorize revenue and expenses via quickbooks. Experience and familiarity with quickbooks is helpful, but we are willing to "train" anyone that is willing to take on these roles. Commitment is about 1-2 hrs per week.
This person would use our website to coordinate registration programs for the various sports seasons. Familiarity with computers or website desgin is a plus, but not neccessary. There is a library of videos and articles explaining how the various website programs work and we would "train" any individual that takes on this role. Committment is 2-3 hours to setup each season plus small amounts of time as needs arise.
This person would be the chair of the fundraising committee. They would be in charge of recruiting volunteers for the committee, coordinating fundraisers, and communicating with the EYA Board of Directors, sports coordinators, and EYA families on the various fundraising opportunites. Commitment is flexible but recommend 1-3 hours per week.
This person would be in charge of the running the concession stand behind the Legion baseball field at Emmaus Community Park. They would be in charge of recruiting volunteers, keeping invenotry, making sure supplies are stocked, and working with our fundraisng coordinator and treasurer to ensure the success of the concession stand. This is a new position and we are not sure what type of comitment would be required as many tasks can be delegated. Most likely 1-3 hours per week during seasons when stand is in use.
This person would be in charge of the scheduling the usage of the borough fields for our baseball and softball teams. They would communicate our usage and needs with the borough. They would follow all EYA policies to ensure fair usage and communicate any issues for field maintenance and needs to the sports coordinators and the EYA Board of Directors. Commitment varies depending on the time of year. Early in Fall and Spring season time committment is higher because of initial set up. 1-2 hours in season average. Must be availabe and ready when inclement weather causes cancellations.